Tuesday, July 10, 2012

3 Years

Dear Scott,
It's been 3 years already, can you believe it?? I can't believe how much has changed. It started off us, the 2 cats and the dog. Now we're one cat, one dog, us, and Piper. She is the most precious and amazing gift. Im looking forward to continuing to move forward with you. Who knows what the future will hold.
I love you.

Sunday, July 8, 2012


Have you heard of Pinterest?
Its AMAZING! When I first heard of it, I wasnt so sure. How could that POSSIBLY be fun? A site that basically bookmarks things into inspiration boards. Do you really need a website to do that? 

YES. Yes you do. I signed up and became obsessed with pinning all the things.
 No, this whole post is not directly about Pinterest, but it does play a major role in the point of this post. I've always been into couponing and MY version of stockpiling which does NOt involve 500 packages of Yakisoba noodles because they are free. this led me to think, how else can I save more money? Scott and I are looking to buy a home, and we are almost completely out of credit card debt that we stupidly wracked up. I'm down to one card and it is paid off monthly, I just use it to earn amazon.com points that I'm saving up for christmas shopping. 

On pinterest I came across a whole bunch of "recipes" and ideas for making your own cleaning products, body scrubs, bath bombs, makeup remover wipes, laundry detergent, febreze. I was enamored. this is how we can save EVEN MORE. We tried out a few of the carpet cleaning pins and it actually worked pretty well on doggie stains! It was a combination of peroxide and Dawn dish soap. the ones for laundry detergent you can spend $0.01 PER LOAD on making it. How brilliant is that? Especially with a new baby who likes to puke on all the things, and a dog and a cat who shed like crazy. I've been saving all of my empty baby formula cans, and plastic coffee tubs, and baby wipes containers so we can make this as close to the real thing as possible. Bonus points since I can decorate the packages to my tastes.

So thats it. Our new plan is to MAKE almost all of our cleaning and household products. 

Now if only I could get Scott over his lust for paper towels.

Follow Me on Pinterest

What are your money saving methods? Even if it only saves a few bucks :)