I can't believe I'm under 2 weeks away from Baby Camera Happy's due date. On the same token, I cannot believe I'm still pregnant. It feels like I've been pregnant FOREVER.
Barebelly Alert!
Bump picture from 1/3/2012
Check In:
- How far along?: 38 weeks and 2 days
- Total weight gain: I was up 30 lbs at my last appt on 12/21/11
- How big is baby?: Little one is the size of a watermelon this week
- Maternity clothes?: Clothes? Since being put on modified bedrest at 34 weeks it's all about yoga pants and maternity tops!
- Movement: Baby is a party animal. She's always moving. And with how little space she has to move most of said movements are actually a little painful at this point!
- Stretch marks?: Not yet! Maybe this will be the one pregnancy symptom I can get away with not having!
- Sleep?: I am tired all the time.However I am also uncomfortable to the point where I can't sleep worth crap. I can't breathe when I'm laying down, my back hurts when I'm propped up, and I don't have enough velcro to velcro myself to the wall so that I can sleep standing up.
- Symptoms?:Can't. Breathe. Shortness of breath has been terrible. I also have blinding lower back pain, and have been having contractions for 3 weeks. Heartburn is still in the running too, and restless leg hasn't gone away. And I literally ALWAYS have to pee. Always.
- Food cravings: Popsicles are still my #1
- Food Aversions: onions gross me out.
- Belly button in or out?: Still an innie, but it's completely flush with my belly.
- What I miss: I miss having energy. I miss not looking like I swallowed a beach ball. I miss feeling good in general.
- What I'm looking forward to: I am looking forward to meeting my little girl! I'm so impatient about it that I sometimes randomly burst into tears when she moves, not because it's irritating, but because I just want to hold her and snuggle her and love on her.
- Best Moment this week: Nothing new this week! I got my OB appt moved from tomorrow at 2, to today at 2. I also passed my CCHT exam for work, and can officially enjoy being off work without worrying about anything.
You are getting so close!! Can't wait until she makes her blog debut!